More innovation through cooperation

More innovation through cooperation

Together we are stronger. This also applies to the development of new and innovative products. It is therefore wise when companies cooperate that have specific but very different skills that, in combination, make innovative products and services possible.

For example, a machine builder can use integrated sensors to generate data about the operation and performance of its machines and make it available to others via an IoT-as-a-Service platform, such as Siemens Mindsphere. EDI GmbH, as a Siemens Solutions Partner and thus part of the ecosystem around Mindsphere, can access the data provided and thus offer customised customer-specific solutions by connecting the data to existing IT systems and processing it using artificial intelligence (AI). In this way, certain parameters and patterns can be made visible, from which, for example, preditictive maintenace measures can be derived, which then significantly increase the service life and operational capabilities of the machine and ensure consistent quality of the product produced. This type of cooperation generates synergies that are beneficial for all partners, as they significantly expand the spectrum of their effectiveness. 

Don't keep reinventing the wheel

The world today has become so complex and multi-layered that not all companies can offer every technology that offers potential for innovation. Moreover, technological development is taking place at a rapid pace. It is often not easy to remain competitive and not lose touch. Cooperations are therefore the ideal instrument for companies to complement each other in a meaningful way, to combine forces and thus to bring innovative products and services to the market that would not be feasible as lone fighters. 

This type of cooperative innovation is made possible by cloud services such as Mindsphere, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or Gaia X, the European answer to AWS, because they provide universal interfaces based on standardized protocols such as HTTP, MQTT and UPC UA. This enables a smooth and efficient exchange of data, the basis for cooperative innovations.

EDI GmbH relies on cooperation with strong partners. An example of this is the Well-Being barometer, a solution that was created in cooperation with IoCare GmbH and which enables seniors to live independently in their familiar surroundings for as long as possible.

Thanks to good networking in the scientific environment and as a competent partner in numerous research projects, EDI can benefit from numerous new technological developments at an early stage, such as Apache Streampipes, an open source solution that makes it possible to build Big Data environments by scaling and securely transferring data with little effort. In cooperation with the FZI Research Centre for Information Technology in Karlsruhe and the spinoff Bytefabrik.AI, we continue to drive the development of Streampipes.

In the LionAID project, funded by the BMBF, a diagnostic system was developed with which workshops and testing facilities can determine the condition of traction batteries of electric vehicles cost-effectively, quickly and independently of the manufacturer. Here we cooperate with the Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel, which contributes its complex and highly accurate electrochemical battery simulation models for the evaluation with new diagnostic algorithms in a cloud IT infrastructure. The testers receive corresponding instructions for action on the diagnostic device.

With its potential analysis, the SDSC-BW (Smart Data Solution Center Baden-Württemberg) together with the experts from the KIT in Karlsruhe successfully supported EDI GmbH in recognising elements on technical drawings with the help of AI. This successful collaboration shows once again how important it is nowadays to be networked with the right experts in order to implement AI products faster and better.

We optimise business processes in a wide range of industries through the use of artificial intelligence and develop customised digital products and associated business models. Contact us if you also want to benefit from our experience with innovation through cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you!


Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us. Let's take the next step together!

Your contact person:
Kerstin Kauselmann de Suárez

Tel.: +49 721 79199 155

Kerstin Kauselmann